This HO scale locomotive started as an undecorated LifeLike Proto 2000 unit. These models basically come as a kit with all of the detail parts needing assembly on the shell before paint. It was nice to have molded plastic parts that were designed with the shell, a departure from the usual sanding and drilling of N scale locomotives to attach detail parts. The shell came covered in an oily residue that I believe was from the drivetrain lubrication. An overnight bath in 90% alcohol cleaned the plastic and it was ready for assembly and painting. Paint work started with the yellow on the handrails, nose, cab and a portion of the long hood. I taped over the Microscale curve templates to cut a mask for the blue, which was painted next. After the color was done, I sprayed Future for my clearcoat for decals. Decals came next, which was a chore working with the large Santa Fe billboard logo. Unfortunately, you can see the difference in color between the decal and the yellow we chose for the paint, it is difficult to determine how the decals will change with the paint underneath. After decals and a final coat of clear, it was on to applying the grab irons. I glued them in the shell and painted each by had with blue to get the contrast. All in all this was a fun project that was not my normal N scale work. It's always fun to see these next to an N scale model and see the difference in size and feel the difference in weight. My O scale work makes the size difference an even bigger impact.
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